
Hi, My name is Oli Lipski and I am The Queer Sensualist.

Here to delight you and guide you with my Sensual Intimacy Coaching, and teach you all things sex, pleasure, sexuality, and more…

My mission is to inspire sensual, sexual, and emotional fulfilment! If you are someone who is struggling with sex or love, get in touch for step-by-step guidance to creating your desires!


From sexually stressed, to sensually empowered

Do you want to transform the way you feel in your sexual and intimate relationships, whether that’s the one with yourself or others? Using the latest science of sexuality, queer sex-education, and sensual embodiment tools, I can take you on a journey of creating the sex and love life you desire and you deserve.

Studies show that when we are happy in the bedroom, we feel good about our overall wellbeing. Yet, so many of us put our sexual selves on the back burner, putting our pleasure at the bottom of the “to do” list, and blaming the lack of connection or intimacy on our busy schedules… Yet, I’m here to let you know, step-by-step, how to deepen the relationship you have with yourself and others, so that it doesn’t feel so challenging!

As well as a Sensual Intimacy Coach, I am an Erotic Consultant, Queer/Sex Writer, Sex Tech Editor, & Bisexual Researcher.

Read my latest interview series.

Body Dialogues x shado x FEMINIST


Queering the Conversation with Bisexual Research

After studying the History of Bisexuality for my undergrad, and taking an MA in Sexual Dissidence, I joined the Bisexual Research Group, and have written and spoken about LGBTQ+ issues for various organisations, including shado mag, and Unicorn Zine, and Bi Pride UK.